Beauty Mania
The property
This is the official page of Beauty Mania in Welwyn Garden City, offering an array of treatments including Reiki, massage, eyelash extensions, facials, weight loss, Lipolis7 for fat removal and cellulite improvement. Also on offer are natural products.
We specialise in natural products and can help you with skin issues including eczema, psoriasis and acne, digestive issues such as IBS, mobility issues, joint pain & arthritis, body cleansing and weight management, products to improve your well being and your immune system, products for children and products for sports people. Treatments include Swedish body massage, facials, body wraps, manis & pedis and Lash Perfect eyelash extensions. Browse the products here
Lash Perfect, Forever Living Products, Spa Find, Arbonne, Heaven Skincare, Outbacks Organics, OPI, Shellac